Laser, Part 2

There were a few interesting differences from the first session. This time, we were to do my full face and neck rather than just the goatee area. As I mentioned in my entry of March 27 (Blasting my face with laser beams), the area just below the nose had been the most sensitive; I soon learned that my neck, just to either side of the centerline, was worse. While doing the rest of my face was merely uncomfortable, these strips along the neck were nasty! This time, I was really glad that I had that frozen water balloon.
Once again, I was impressed with how fast the process is. All told, I was probably in the treatment room for about 20 minutes; a good part of that was breaks to let me catch my breath!
This time, Sandra applied an aloe gel when we were done, and we set my next appointment for a month later.
On the way home, I noticed the same sunburn feeling that I had had after the first session, with the neck being pretty sensitive to the touch. There was a noticable redness of the neck, and at this writing, some 15 hours later, it's still visible.
The big surprise to me was that a few hairs were already beginning to fall out by the time I got home; after my previous session, it had taken 3 or 4 days for the process to begin. Maybe it will clear sooner that the 2 weeks it took last time; wouldn't that be nice!
Although this session was much more intense than the last one, I don't want to overstate it; it still wasn't terrible, and far from being intolerable. And the thought of not having to shave again makes the discomfort fade quickly into the mists of memory!
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