Saturday, July 29, 2006

Top Ten List II

Top Ten Really Nice Things About Being A Transsexual

10: No more pretending to be interested in football, baseball, basketball, hockey or NASCAR.

9: After spending thousands on hair removal, you can save a fortune on razor blades.

8: You're probably tall enough to see over the heads of the crowd at the Liz Phair concert.

7: One word: Pedicure!

6: No more performance anxiety.

5: Walking in heels isn't really as hard as everyone says.

4: Spending hours working on your voice keeps you from wasting time and money on frivolous things like books and movies.

3: When you gain weight, it all goes to your hips.

2: Guys no longer try to crush the bones of your hand when you're introduced.

1: Being called "ma'am".


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