I'm still here...

I went through 15 radiation treatments (15 days straight) and 6 full rounds of chemotherapy (3 days, every 3 weeks, six times) and my last MRI and PET/CT scans showed no signs of cancer. Come October I will have another set of scans, then every six months after that (assuming all is well).
I was as bald as a billiard ball, but a tiny bit of hair is starting to come back now. In 6 months I should know how much will come back (keep your fingers crossed!).
I'm feeling pretty good; my strength and appetite are almost back to normal. Nickie and I bought a motorscooter, a 150cc Lance Venice, and I ride it to work most days. Nickie and I are still together, and our relationship has only gotten stronger through all this. I am truly blessed.
I'm posting to let everyone know that I've gotten your messages, and they've made a huge difference. The support I've gotten from my friends, my family, and a whole lot of people I don't even know have affected me deeply; you can't imagine how much it helps when you're starting to feel sorry for yourself, or doubt that you can keep going.
Thanks to you all. In a very real sense, you've saved my life.