A few days ago, reading through one of the forums that I frequent, it struck me that we have more abbreviations, anagrams, and obscure terminology than NASA. In the interest of ameliorating the rampant obfuscation (!), I've decided to post this little guide to the terminology of transgenderism. I know I've left out a lot; leave me comments as to what should be added!
Sex - In this context, refers to the genitalia. As sex and gender are separate qualities, one can be of the male sex and the female gender. Indeed, it is this incongruity that defines transsexuality. Also, what all those guys in the Yahoo chat rooms are looking for.
Gender - The mental component of one's sexuality; that is, what you feel like inside, regardless of your plumbing. Someone of the female gender identifies as female, regardless of what type of genitalia they may have.
Orientation - Basically, who you're attracted to. Again, this is independent of sex or gender. It is not uncommon to be of the male sex, the female gender, and attracted to females. Or any other combination. Has nothing to do with emigrating to Asia.
TG - Transgender. An umbrella term, encompassing transsexuals, transvestites, crossdressers, drag queens/kings, intersexed persons, gender neutrals, androgynes, anyone who feels uncomfortable being classified as a specific gender, and Milton Berle.
CD - Crossdresser. One who dresses in the clothing of the opposite gender. Most crossdressers identify as their birth sex, and see their dressing as an expression of the feminine side of themselves. Many are heterosexual married males, whose spouses may or may not be aware and/or supportive of their dressing. Also, the shiny little disc you keep your photos on, so the kids won't find them when they're looking for their Spongebob Squarepants pictures.
TV - Transvestite. Similar to a crossdresser, except that there is usually a sexual component to their dressing; ie, they get aroused by it. Also, the place you watch the dozens of documentaries about us that seem to be released every week.
TS - Transsexual (sometimes Transexual with one S). One with an overwhelming need to live as the gender opposite that of their birth sex. May be diagnosed with GID (see below). Also, Top Secret (which, depending on where you are in your transition, may be the same thing).
GID - Gender Identity Disorder and...
GD - Gender Dysphoria. The diagnoses of transsexual persons that allows them to receive treatment, including therapy, hormone therapy, and sexual reassignment surgery. The debate continues as to whether it is proper to require someone to be labeled as having a mental disorder in order for them to receive treatment, but most of us are willing to go along with it if that's our only choice.
SOC - Standards of Care. The procedures suggested by the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association (HBIDGA), spelling out the hoops one must jump through to receive hormone therapy and/or surgery. Some see them as unreasonable roadblocks to receiving the treatment they want and need, others as a necessary safeguard to prevent every looney on the planet from rushing into surgery then suing the doctors a month later and making it impossible for any of us.
M to F - Male to Female Transsexual.
F to M - Well, duh... Female to Male Transsexual.
FFS - Facial Feminization Surgery. Any of a number of procedures aimed at countering the results of years of exposure to testosterone, including eyebrow lifts, brow bossing, chin sculpting, jawline reshaping, lip lifts, botox, rhinoplasty, dermabrasion and others. If you closely resemble Ernest Borgnine, this may be for you.
SRS - Sexual Reassignment Surgery or Sexual Reconstruction Surgery and...
GRS - Gender Reassignment Surgery. The procedure or procedures that replace a penis with a vagina (or vice versa). There are several different procedures, with recipients of each loudly proclaiming its superiority. SRS for F to M transsexuals is not very satisfactory with the current state of the art, while M to F surgery is very good, regardless of which technique is used. By the way, in M to F surgery, the penis is not "chopped off". It is either turned inside out, or disassembled and its parts used in the new construction.
GLBT - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender, or...
LGBT - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender; which one you use seems to depend on whether or not you're a lesbian.
HBIGDA - The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association See
SOC above.
HRT - Hormone Replacement Therapy. The name comes from the regimen used to treat menopausal women, replacing hormones their bodies no longer make in sufficient quantities. For M to Fs, the regimen ususally includes a testosterone blocker, estrogen, and progesterone. Effects include breast development, redistribution of body fat, softening of the skin, a lessening of body hair (but not facial hair), and emotional changes. The effects can take several years to reach their maximum. HRT does not change the voice (dammit!).
Intersexed - A person who is born with ambiguous genitalia, not clearly either male or female, or with components of both. The term 'hermaphrodite' is now considered obsolete and somewhat insulting, and was rarely used accurately anyway.
RLT - Real Life Test or...
RLE - Real Life Experience. A period of one year living full time is a prerequisite for
SRS under the
HBIGDA SOC (now there's a handful of acronyms for you!).
IRS - Internal Revenue Service. The organization that has decided that none of your expenses for any of this stuff will be deductible.
S--male - The dreaded S-word! (I've dropped a couple of letters in hopes that this page won't be found by people Googling for porn.) Considered highly offensive, unless the person you're referring to works in the sex industry. The term was invented by the porn business, and some in that field self-identify that way. Nearly as bad is 'He-She', and 'Tranny' seems to be acceptable only when used by other transgendered persons (although some have no issue with it at all).
Therapy, or...
Counseling - This is usually the first step once you acknowledge to yourself that you are transgendered. A good therapist can help you discover your true self, and how far you need to go. She can help you along the way, providing critiques and tips, and can refer you to support groups. She also serves as the gateway to HRT and SRS, providing the needed letters to your doctors. A bad therapist can take all your money and leave you suicidal. Remember, your therapist works for you; if you're not happy with the way your case is being handled, find someone else.
Transition - The process of becoming the person on the outside that you know you are on the inside. Everyone is different in how and how far they will transition; for some, living part time is enough. For others, nothing short of surgery is acceptable. Typically, the process includes counseling, hormone therapy, living part time, voice training, hair removal, living full time (the real life experience), and SRS. Some may have FFS and/or breast augmentation. And whatever their process and timetable, you can be sure that they will think anyone who does it differently is nuts!